English Edition

National Public Radiohead

I real­ly like NPR’s „All Songs Con­side­red“ and their „Live In Con­cert“ pod­cast.

Right now you can lis­ten to (and if you sub­scri­be to the pod­cast: down­load) the show Radio­head gave at the end of their US tour on August 28th in San­ta Bar­ba­ra, CA.

Bob Boi­len, who cho­se Radio­head over Barack Oba­ma on that day, wri­tes:

When I think of the best con­certs I’ve seen, I always flash back to Pink Floyd in ear­ly 1972. […]

Radiohead’s show at the San­ta Bar­ba­ra Bowl came as clo­se for musi­ci­an­ship and crea­ti­vi­ty as any show I’ve seen in 37 years. I’ve seen a lot of shows.

Even though I did­n’t like Radiohead’s latest album „In Rain­bows“ that much, I’m alre­a­dy impres­sed by what was (among­st others) on the set list: „The­re The­re“, „Talk Show Host“, „Mor­ning Bell“, „No Sur­pri­ses“, „The Bends“, „Kar­ma Poli­ce“, „Para­no­id Android“, „Ever­y­thing in Its Right Place“, „Lucky“ and – the grand fina­le after more than two hours of songs – „Idio­te­que“.

Click here to lis­ten to Radio­head, live at San­ta Bar­ba­ra Bowl.

[via twit­ter]